Psoriasis on the elbows is an inflammatory process with characteristic skin rashes. Among the factors that provoke the appearance of the disease, heredity, various diseases, bad habits, stressful situations and others are distinguished.
Pathology is accompanied by itching, redness, swelling, pain in the affected areas. To make a diagnosis, tests of urine, blood, feces, biopsy, bakposev for microflora are prescribed. Treatment includes the use of medications, local remedies, physiotherapy, nutritional adjustments.
Before starting the treatment of psoriasis on the elbows, it is necessary to exclude other pathologies: eczema, fungal infection.
Only after a thorough examination, specific drugs are prescribed, therefore a preliminary consultation with a dermatologist is necessary.
Psoriasis occurs in several stages, periodically replacing each other.
The outer surface of the elbow area is covered with small papules. Outwardly, they resemble acne with a random arrangement. After 14-21 days, the formations turn into voluminous plates covered with scales. The dryness of the skin increases, the surface becomes rough.
This stage is characterized by the formation of multiple large plaques. Patients complain of peeling, redness in the affected area. The limits of the eruptions are represented by a well-defined border. At this stage, the transition of the disease to a period of exacerbation is observed.
With a correctly selected scheme of therapeutic measures, the clinical picture becomes less pronounced, and the disease goes into a state of rest. The number of psoriatic rashes decreases, there are no new papules.
This stage is accompanied by a decrease in the severity of symptoms, the number of plaques is markedly reduced. The skin, where the rashes were previously located, is noticeably pigmented, but at the same time, there are no characteristic scales in the places of lesions, the epidermis does not peel off.
The beginning of the development of the pathological process is indicated by the appearance of small red spots of an oval or rounded shape. As the disease progresses, the number of formations increases, they spread to the surrounding healthy areas of the skin.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that cannot be completely cured. However, modern methods help to quickly eliminate the exacerbation of the disease and achieve long-term remission.
Antihistamines are used; for joint rashes, local ointments and creams with corticosteroids, salicylic acid are used.
An important method of treatment is the appointment of a diet and vitamin complexes; a positive effect of some homeopathic preparations has been observed.
The early stage is characterized by a small number of rashes. If at this stage it is time to seek help from a specialist, it is possible to reduce the probability that the disease will become chronic.
The main feature of psoriasis is the formation of scales of a light silvery shade. Under mechanical action, its integrity is violated, as a result of which a smooth surface with bloody cracks appears.
There have also been cases where there were no scales on the psoriatic plaques.
Patients begin to complain of severe itching, swelling at the site of injury, burning. If you palpate the damaged areas, then in these places you can notice an increase in temperature and pain.
Depending on how well the protective functions of the body work, the pathological process is accompanied by the formation of single or multiple plaques, when the disease affects the entire skin surface of the upper limb. If proper measures are not taken in time, the probability that the pathology will pass into a neglected form increases several times.
The severity of the clinical picture also depends on the stage of the course of the disease. During the remission period, the manifested symptoms disappear, the patient feels better. A recurrent condition is characterized by the appearance of multiple psoriatic plaques, due to painful symptoms, it worsens the general well-being of a person.
Despite the high prevalence of the disease, it was not possible to thoroughly study and establish the exact factors that provoke it. However, experts identify several putative causes that may contribute to the development of psoriatic lesions on the elbows.
One of the most common factors is genetic predisposition. According to statistics, in 50% of cases, the pathology is diagnosed in a person whose relatives were also susceptible to this disease.
The prerequisites for the development of psoriasis are the lack of resistance of the body to infectious diseases, malnutrition, uncontrolled intake of drugs, which has a negative impact on the immune system, contributing to its weakening.
Also among the reasons are:
- endocrine disorders;
- Diseases of the digestive system;
- epidermal injury;
- Frequent stress, neurosis, depression.
Vitamin deficiency and lack of trace elements in the body can contribute to the manifestation of psoriasis.
Since the development of psoriasis on the elbows is accompanied by pronounced clinical signs, detection of pathology is not difficult. First of all, the dermatologist conducts an external examination of the damaged areas of the epidermis and collects the patient's history.
To confirm the preliminary diagnosis, the patient is sent for a laboratory test.
A blood test allows you to determine a possible predisposition to an allergic reaction to certain drugs that can be used in the treatment of psoriasis. Also, the analysis can help in the diagnosis of anemia, which will be accompanied by characteristic deviations in the levels of leukocytes and erythrocytes.
Urinalysis makes it possible to determine the level of water-salt balance, that is, how much salt and water has entered and left the human body.
The study of feces is necessary to identify helminths in them.
When the main methods of making a final diagnosis are not enough, the doctor will prescribe an additional examination:
- biopsy of epidermal samples extracted from lesions;
- bakposev in microflora;
- test with potassium oxide.
If a complicated course of the pathological process is suspected, an X-ray examination is performed, which makes it possible to assess involvement in the disease of the joints.
If psoriasis develops in women during the period of having a child, they are referred for a prolactin test.
In addition, you may need to see an orthopedist, rheumatologist, venereologist, or mammologist.
treatment methods
Psoriasis cannot be cured, but flare-ups can be prevented and the remission phase prolonged. Therapy in this case must be complex. It consists in the use of such methods of treatment:
- usedoctordrugs inside;
- usemoneylocal action;
- vitamin therapy;
- sanatorium-resorttreatment;
- requesthomeopathicmedicines.
In addition, it is important to follow a special diet. Include foods in the diet that contain substances that contribute to the onset of remission, and limit the use of foods harmful to psoriasis.
Medications used for psoriasis.
In the treatment of the disease, it is important to use drugs for internal administration in the form of capsules, tablets, plates.
Antihistamines can be used to relieve itching.
It is important to remember that only an experienced specialist can prescribe such drugs, taking into account the severity of the disease, the age criterion and the individual characteristics of the patient's body.
Ointments for rashes on the elbows and shins.
Psoriasis on the elbows is widely used for external use.
Experts say that the treatment of psoriasis must be comprehensive, so an application of creams will not be enough, since they only eliminate the symptoms of the disease on our skin.
In psoriasis, vitamin therapy is considered an important method in complex treatment. In case of damage to the skin of the flexor surface, the use of vitamins of groups B, E, D, A and ascorbic acid is recommended.
For this, it is necessary to eat well: increase the consumption of foods that contain these substances. In addition, vitamins can be purchased at pharmaceutical stores. The vitamin solution can be used to lubricate problem skin.
Some ointments contain the necessary substances, so experts often prescribe such drugs for external use.
Complexes of vitamins and minerals can be prescribed.
It is also prescribed for severe degrees of psoriasis drugs by intramuscular injection.
They are made every day or every other day.
homeopathic remedies
Combined agents are considered the most effective.
The dosage of these drugs is determined by a qualified specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body and the severity of the pathology.
In a pathological condition, it is important to adhere to dietary nutrition. Therefore, the following products should be included in the diet for psoriasis:
- lean fish;
- dairy products;
- vegetable oil;
- fruits and vegetables;
- cereals;
- greenery.
These ingredients enrich the body with useful substances and reduce acidity. In case of illness, it will be useful to establish a drinking regimen. The daily amount of water consumed should be at least 1. 5 liters.
The following products are contraindicated for use in pathology:
- smoked meats;
- hot seasonings and spices;
- pickles;
- sweet products;
- fatty meats;
- alcoholic drinks;
- sausages;
- coffee;
- citrus;
- chocolate;
- confectionery.
It is necessary to limit the consumption of fried, fatty and salty foods.
Also, fractional meals are recommended for psoriasis: portions should be small, and the number of meals per day should be increased up to six times.
spa treatment
With psoriasis, it is recommended to visit resorts that are located in areas with a predominance of hot and dry climatic conditions.
An annual stay in sanatoriums where there are radon or sulfide baths is also desirable. In such places, the patient can undergo physiotherapy procedures that help eliminate signs of the disease and prolong the stage of remission. These include applications with paraffin or ozocerite, UV radiation, phototherapy, cryotherapy.
These procedures are carried out for 21-29 days a day.
Treatment of psoriasis on the elbows is carried out with an integrated approach. Drug therapy includes the use of funds for internal and external use. It is also important to take vitamins and diet during treatment. It is recommended to stay in sanatoriums and use homeopathic medicines.
With a long absence of therapeutic measures, the course of pathology in the elbows is complicated by the appearance of a number of diseases.
Psoriatic erythroderma may begin. In most cases, it occurs against the background of an abrupt cessation or complete lack of treatment, frequent stressful situations, diseases of infectious origin that occur in severe form, alcohol abuse.
Generalized pustular psoriasis is a more serious health threat. Such a course of pathology is characterized by a massive association of papules, as a result of which large foci are formed, in the place of localization of which the skin exfoliates, pustular areas are formed.
Another complication is psoriatic arthritis. This is a pathological process that affects the joints, which is accompanied by swelling, severe pain and limited mobility.
Since the epidermis in this area is quite dry, regular care of the elbow area is required. To do this, you need to use a special cream with moisturizing properties.
You should also stop smoking and drinking too much alcohol. Strengthening the immune system plays an equally important role. To this end, experts recommend taking vitamin-mineral complexes, playing sports and spending more time walking in the fresh air.
It is important to protect the skin from mechanical damage, not to expose the body to frequent stress and psychological disorders.
At the first symptoms of the development of an infectious disease, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed in order to provide timely medical care.